Cindy Harrington Heart & Mind Award Nomination Form
Deadline: March 31, 2025

Thank you for participating in
thread Awards and submitting a nomination for the 2025 Cindy Harrington Heart & Mind AwardTo begin, enter your information as the nominator, then complete the application form by entering the information for the nominee.

Nominator: Someone who proposes a candidate for an award.
Nominee: A person who is proposed as the recipient of an award.

Nomination Criteria
The nominee must be an individual currently employed for at least one year in a licensed child care program in Alaska within the early childhood education field and who demonstrates the following qualities:
  • Strength of character
  • Commitment to excellence
  • Professional determination
  • Impassioned spirit
  • Dedication to professional growth
  • Commitment to encouraging others
The recipient will receive a commemorative art glass trophy and a monetary award of $1,000. thread's virtual awards presentation will be on Friday, May 9, 2024. Learn more at
Nominator Information
Nominator (this is you): Someone who proposes a candidate for an award.

Please enter a 5-digit zip code.

Nominee Information
Nominee: A person who is proposed as the recipient of an award.

Note: The more detail you can provide for the nominee, the more informed the committee will be in making selections. Please give as much detailed information as you can.

Please enter a 5-digit zip code.