Welcome! This Quality Initiative (QI) is intended for individual owners/providers and programs in the first year of licensing (with provisional licensing status), or looking to get licensed as centers, group homes, or homes by March 31, 2024.
To be eligible to apply, you must:
- Be current/active in the Alaska SEED Registry
- Submit your complete Initial Licensing Application to the State of Alaska or Municipality of Anchorage, or hold a valid Provisional Child Care License
- Sign up for thread Tools at www.threadalaskatools.org
- Take 8 hours of thread training from a provided menu of trainings
- Receive up to 5 hours of technical assistance to complete any licensing requirements and develop a project proposal for funding
- Complete the Quality Initiative Evaluation
- Submit a completed IRS Form W-9 with this application
- Submit your provisional license or documentation that you submitted a licensing application